Category Archives: Python Tips & Tricks

From tidyverse to python

Anyone who reads this blog or watches our Tidy Explained Screen Cast knows that I am a massive R user and R fan. I can work fast in it and I find it to be one of the best tools for building statistical models. That said, there are times when python comes in handy and there are a number of software and web applications that interact and play nicer with python compared to R. For example, R can be run within AWS Sagemaker, but python seems to be more efficient. I’ve recently been doing a few projects in Databricks as well and, while I can use R within their system, I’ve been trying to code the projects using python.

For those of us trying to learn a bit of python to be somewhat useful in that language (or for pythonistas who may need to learn a little bit of R) I’ve put together the following tutorial that shows how to do some of the common stuff you’d use R’s tidyverse for, in python.

The codes for both the RMarkdown file and the Jupyter Notebook are available on my GITHUB page. The codes has many more examples than I will go over here (for space reasons), so be sure to check it out!

Load Libraries and Data

We will be using the famous Palmer Penguins data. Here is a side-by-side look at how we load the libraries and data set in tidyverse and what those same steps look like in Python.

Exploratory Data Analysis

One of the most popular features of the suite of tidyverse libraries is the ability to nicely summarize and plot data.

I won’t go through every possible EDA example contained in the notebooks but here are a few side-by-side.

Create a Count of the Number of Samplers for Each Species

Create a barplot of the count of Species types

Scatter plot of flipper length and body mass colored by sex with linear regression lines

Group By Summarize

In tidyverse we often will group our data by a specific condition and then summarize data points relative to that condition. In tidyverse we use pipes, %>%, to connect together lines of code. In the pandas library (the common python library for working with data frames) we use dots to connect these lines of code.

Group By Mutate

In addition to summarizing by group, sometimes we need to add additional columns to the existing data set but those columns need to have the new data conditional on a specific grouping variable. In tidyverse we use mutate and in pandas we use transform.

We can also build columns using grouping and custom functions. In tidyverse we do this inside of the mutate but in pandas we need to set up a lambda function. For example, we can build the z-score of each sample grouped by Species (meaning the observation is divided by the mean and standard deviation for that Species population).

ifelse / case_when

Another task commonly performed in data cleaning is to assign values to specific cases. For example, we have three Islands in the data set and we want to assign them Island1, Island2, and Island3. In tidyverse we could use either ifelse or case_when() to solve this task. In pandas we need to either set up a custom function and then map that function to the data set or we can use the numpy library, which has a function called where(), which behaves like case_when() in tidyverse.

Linear Regression Model

To finish, I’ll provide some code to write a linear model in both languages.

Wrapping Up

Hopefully the tutorial will help with folks going from R to Python or vice versa. Generally, I suggest picking one or the other and trying to really dig into being good at it. But, there are times where you might need to delve into another language and produce some code. This tutorial provides a mirror image of code between R and Python.

As stated earlier, there are a number of extra code examples in the RMarkdown and Jupyter Notebook files available on my GITHUB page.

Approximating a Bayesian Posterior Prediction

This past week on the Wharton Moneyball Podcast, during Quarter 2 of the show the hosts got into a discussion about Bayesian methods, simulating uncertainty, and frequentist approaches to statistical analysis. The show hosts are all strong Bayesian advocates but at one point in the discussion, Eric Bradlow mentioned that “frequenstist can answer similar questions by building distributions from their model predictions.” (paraphrasing)

This comment reminded me of Chapter 7 in Gelman and Hill’s brilliant book, Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models. In this chapter, the authors do what they call an informal Bayesian approach by simulating the predictions from a linear regression model. It’s an interesting (and easy) approach that can be helpful for getting a sense for how Bayesian posterior predictions work without building a full Bayesian model. I call it, “building a bridge to Bayes”.

Since the entire book is coded in R, I decided to code an example in Python.

The Jupyter notebook is accessible on my GITHUB page.

(Special Material: In the Jupyter Notebook I also include additional material on how to calculate prediction intervals and confidence intervals by hand in python. I wont go over those entire sections here as I don’t want the post to get too long.)

Libraries & Data

We will start by loading up the libraries that we need and the data. I’ll use the iris data set, since it is conveniently available from the sklearn library. We will build the regression model using the statsmodels.api library.

## import libraries

from sklearn import datasets
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import statsmodels.api as smf
from scipy import stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

## iris data set
iris = datasets.load_iris()

## convert to pandas sata frame
data = iris['data']
target = iris['target']

iris_df = pd.DataFrame(data)
iris_df.columns = ['sepal_length', 'sepal_width', 'petal_length', 'petal_width']

Build a linear regression model

Next, we build a simple ordinary least squares regression model to predict petal_width from petal_length.


## Set up our X and y variables
X = iris_df['petal_length']
y = iris_df['petal_width']

# NOTE: statsmodels does not automatically add an intercept, so you need to do that manually

X = smf.add_constant(X)

# Build regression model
# NOTE: the X and y variables are reversed in the function compared to sklearn

fit_lm = smf.OLS(y, X).fit()

# Get an R-like output of the model


Simulate a distribution around the slope coefficient

The slope coefficient for theĀ petal_length variable, from the model output above, is 0.4158 with a standard error of 0.01. We will store these two values in their own variables and then use them to create a simulation of 10,000 samples and plot the distribution.

## get summary stats
mu_slope = 0.4158
se_slope = 0.01

## create simulation
n_samples = 10000
coef_sim = np.random.normal(loc = mu_slope, scale = se_slope, size = n_samples)

## plot simulated distribution

plt.hist(coef_sim, bins = 60)

We can also grab the summary statistics from the simulated distribution. We will snag the mean and the 90% quantile interval.

## get summary stats from our simulation
summary_stats = {
    'Mean': coef_sim.mean(),
    'Low90': np.quantile(coef_sim, 0.05),
    'High90': np.quantile(coef_sim, 0.95)


Making a prediction on a new observation and building a posterior predictive distribution

Now that we’ve gotten a good sense for how to create a simulation in python, we can create a new observation of petal_length and make a prediction about what the petal_width would be based on our model. In addition, we will get the prediction intervals from the output and use them to calculate a standard error for the prediction, which we will use for the posterior predictive simulation.

Technical Note: In the prediction output you will see that python returns a mean_ci_lower and mean_ci_upper and an obs_ci_lower and obs_ci_higher. The latter two are the prediction intervalsĀ  while the former two are the confidence intervals. I previously discussed the difference HERE and this is confirmed in the Jupyter Notebook where I calculate these values by hand.

# create a new petal_length observation
new_dat = np.array([[1, 1.7]])    # add a 1 upfront to indicate the model intercept

# make prediction of petal_width using the model
prediction = fit_lm.get_prediction(new_dat)

# get summary of the prediction

Store the predicted value (0.343709) and then calculate the standard error from the lower and upper prediction intervals. Run a simulation and then plot the distribution of predictions.

mu_pred = 0.343709
se_pred = 0.754956 - 0.343709     # subtract the upper prediction interval from the mean to get the variability
n_sims = 10000

pred_obs = np.random.normal(loc = mu_pred, scale = se_pred, size = n_sims)

plt.hist(pred_obs, bins = 60)

Just as we did for the simulation of the slope coefficient we can extract our summary statistics (mean and 90% quantile intervals).

## get summary stats from our simulation
summary_stats = {
    'Mean': pred_obs.mean(),
    'Low90': np.quantile(pred_obs, 0.05),
    'High90': np.quantile(pred_obs, 0.95)


Wrapping Up

That is a pretty easy way to get a sense for approximating a Bayesian posterior predictive distribution. Rather than simply reporting the predicted value and a confidence interval or prediction interval, it is sometimes nice to build an entire distribution. Aside from it being visually appealing, it allows us to answer other questions we might have, for example, what percentage of the data is greater or less than 0.5 (or any other threshold value you might be interested in)?

As stated earlier, all of this code is accessible on my GITHUB page and the Jupyter notebook also has additional sections on how to calculate confidence intervals and prediction intervals by hand.

If you notice any errors, let me know!

t-test…ANOVA…It’s linear regression all the way down!

I had someone ask me a question the other day about t-tests. The question was regarding how to get the residuals from a t-test. The thing we need to remember about t-tests and ANOVA is that they are general linear models. As such, an easier way of thinking about them is that they are a different way of looking at a regression output. In this sense, a t-test is just a simple linear regression with a single categorical predictor (independent) variableĀ  that has two levels (e.g., Male & Female) while ANOVA is a simple linear regression with a single predictor variable that has more than two levels (e.g., Cat, Dog, Fish).

Let’s look at an example!

Complete code is available on my GITHUB page.

Load Data

The data we will use is the iris data set, available in the numpy library.

Exploratory Data Analysis

The Jupyter Notebook I’ve made available on GITHUB has a number of EDA steps. For this tutorial the variable we will look at is Sepal Length, which appears to different between Species.


We will start by conducting a t-test. Since a t-test is a comparison of means between two groups, I’ll create a data set with only the setosa and versicolor species.

## get two groups to compare
two_groups = ["setosa", 'versicolor']

## create a data frame of the two groups
df2 = df[df['species'].isin(two_groups)]

First I build the t-test in two common stats libraries in python, statsmodels and scipy.

## t-test in statsmodels.api
smf.stats.ttest_ind(x1 = df2[df['species'] == 'setosa']['sepal_length'],
                    x2 = df2[df['species'] == 'versicolor']['sepal_length'],

## t-test in scipy
stats.ttest_ind(a = df2[df['species'] == 'setosa']['sepal_length'],
                b = df2[df['species'] == 'versicolor']['sepal_length'],

Unfortunately, the output of both of these approaches leaves a lot to be desired. They simply return the t-statistics, p-value, and degrees of freedom.

To get a better look at the underlying comparison, I’ll instead fit the t-test using the researchpy library.

## t-test in reserachpy
rp.ttest(group1 = df2[df['species'] == 'setosa']['sepal_length'],
         group2 = df2[df['species'] == 'versicolor']['sepal_length'])

This output is more informative. We can see the summary stats for both groups at the top. the t-test results follow below. We see the observed difference, versicolor has a sepal length 0.93 (5.006 – 5.936) longer that setosa, on average. We also get the degrees of freedom, t-statistic, and p-value, along with several measures of effect size.

Linear Regression

Now that we see what the output looks like, let’s confirm that this is indeed just linear regression!

We fit our model using the statsmodels library.

## Linear model to compare results with t-test (convert the species types of dummy variables)
X = df2[['species']]
X = pd.get_dummies(X['species'], drop_first = True)

y = df2[['sepal_length']]

## add an intercept constant, since it isn't done automatically
X = smf.add_constant(X)

# Build regression model
fit_lm = smf.OLS(y, X).fit()

# Get model output


Notice that the slope coefficient for versicolor is 0.93, indicating it’s sepal length is, on average, 0.93 greater than setosa’s sepal length. This is the same result we obtained with our t-test above.

The intercept coefficient is 5.006, which means that when versicolor is set to “0” in the model (0 * 0.93 = 0) all we are left with is the intercept, which is the mean value for setosa’s sepal length, the same as we saw in our t-test.

What about the residuals?

The question original question was about residuals from the t-test. Recall, the residuals are the difference between actual/observed value and the predicted value. When we have a simple linear regression with two levels (a t-test) the predicted value is simply the overall mean value for that group.

We can add predictions from the linear regression model into our data set and calculate the residuals, plot the residuals, and then calculate the mean squared error.

## Add the predictions back to the data set
df2['preds'] = fit_lm.predict(X)

## Calculate the residual
resid = df2['sepal_length'] - df2['preds']

## plot the residuals
sns.kdeplot(resid,shade = True)
plt.axvline(x = 0,linewidth=4, linestyle = '--', color='r')

In the code, you will find the same approach taken by just applying the group mean as the “predicted” value, which is the same value that the model predicts. At the bottom of the code, we will find that the outcome of the MSE is the same.

Wrapping Up

In summary, whenever you think t-test or ANOVA, just think linear regression. The intercept will end up reflecting the mean value for the reference class while the coefficient(s) for the other classes of that variable will represent the difference between their mean value and the reference class. If you want to make a comparison to a different reference class, you can change the reference class before specifying your model and you will obtain a different set of coefficients (given that they are compared to a new reference class) but the predicted values, residuals, and MSE will end up being the same.

Again, if you’d like the full code, you can access it HERE.

TidyX Episode 99: Intro to Bayes

Ellis Hughes and I continue our series on simulation and sampling by moving into a basic introduction to Bayesian thinking. We code two of the common Bayesian problems that get discussed in intro courses/textbooks: (1) The probability of disease given a positive test; and, (2) the probability that a coin is biased towards heads or tails.

To watch our screen cast, CLICK HERE.

To access our code, CLICK HERE.

If you’d like to see the code in Python (I wrote a script for that too), CLICK HERE.


Doing things in Python that you’d normally do in Excel – Data Analysis for Strength & Conditioning Coaches (Turner et al., 2015)

My previous blog on, Doing things in Python that you would normally do in Excel, got some nice feedback and seemed to be useful to a number of folks. As such, I’ve decided to continue on with that theme and put together a Python approach for constructing the stats in Anthony Turner‘s paper, Data Analysis for Strength and Conditioning Coaches: Using Excel to Analyze Reliability, Differences and Relationships.

In the paper, Anthony works through a few examples of calculating things like Smallest Worthwhile Change, Typical Error Measurement, and Cohen’s d Effect Size for CMJ, RSI, and Pro Agility. For the sake of brevity, my tutorial will only work through the CMJ data.

In his paper, Anthony walks through how a strength coach can apply this type of analysis very simply in Excel. I use his data to construct the same analysis in Python and end up with a data frame that represents each athlete on the team, their 3 CMJ’s, a goal/training target based on their SWC, and their Error Measurement.


Some things I cover in the tutorial that might be of interest to folks just starting out with Python:

    1. Adding new columns to a data frame while calculating summary summary statistics row-wise (e.g., working across each individual athlete’s row instead of calculating summary statistics over an entire column, which is how we commonly do it).
    2. Writing a custom function. In this tutorial I write a custom function to calculate the average and standard deviation across rows so that we only need one line of code to extract the information we are interested in.
    3. Step-by-step calculation of Cohen’s d Effect Size in Python.

Building your own data frames. I manually build Anthony’s data from the paper into a data frame. I also build a data frame at the end of the tutorial for Cohen’s d Effect Size interpretation.

To access my Jupyter Notebook, go to my Github page, HERE.