TidyX 29: Custom Color Palette, Stacked Bar Blot, and Mixed Models

This week, Ellis and I take a look at Himalayan Climbing Expeditions with data provided by the TidyTuesday Project.

We start by going over code from Kaylea Haynes, who set up a custom color palette to show stacked bar plots of reasons for climbing expedition terminations by decade. This approach makes the plot really come to life by using colors that are specifically extracted from a jpeg of a mountain peak.

After that, we cover a mixed effects model for evaluating the probability of death on the 10 most climbed peaks in the Himalayan mountains. Here we use the {lme4} package to construct the model and then look at model outputs using the {arm} package and visualize the random effects using the {lattice} package.

To watch the screen cast, CLICK HERE.

To obtain our code, CLICK HERE.