Research Review: Forward Scapular Posture & Posterior Shoulder Tightness in Baseball Players

I have another review up at Fitness Research Review Website for those interested:

The Relationship Between Forward Scapular Posture and Posterior Shoulder Tightness Among Baseball Players

Laudner KG, Moline MT, Meister K, American Journal of Sports Medicine 2010 (in press)

Some of the pertinent findings:

– The dominant shoulder of both pitchers and position players were significantly forward compared to the nondominant shoulder.

– There is a relationship between posterior shoulder tightness, as measured by glenohumeral adduction, and forward scapular positioning.

– There was a negative relationship between glenohumeral adduction and forward scapular position. Those with greater posterior shoulder tightness had greater forward scapular position than those with less posterior shoulder tightness.

– No significant relationships were found between scapular posture and glenohumeral internal or external rotation.

– Differences in internal and external glenohumeral rotation were noted between dominant and nondominant shoulders, with a tendency towards greater external rotation and decreased internal rotation in the dominant shoulder. However, the total arc of motion between the two arms was similar. These findings are consistent with other findings on baseball athletes (6).

If you would like to read the rest of the review, including some practical applications of how we can use the information in this paper to help us better prepare athletes, please log onto Fitness Research Review Website.